With our new cookies management tool, the compliance of your website becomes an easy task. Now you can collect the consent of your users regarding the use of cookies in the respect of the different regulation.
After the entry into force of the GDPR, you have to collect the consent of your users in order to use cookies. Collect an overt consent et be able to demonstrate you have receive this consent are the essential obligations to use cookies. With Praxis Cookies, with a few clicks, you complies your website with the different applicable regulations such as the GDPR, the e-Privacy directive, the COPPA, the CCPA and even the LGPD.
Furthermore, Praxis Cookies offers a analyzer tool that allows to list automatically every cookies installed on your website. Then, it will give you some advices and recommandations on the manner in which you has to inform your web users in order to respect the GDPR regulations.
Praxis Cookies easily adapt to your website design and its colour charts. It can be integrated into all CMS (Conten Management Systems) and Shop-Systems such as WordPress, Joomla, Typo3, Dupal, eZ Publish, Magento, phpWiki, PrestaShop, osCommerce, OXID eShop, WooCommerece and more.
Privacy is available in more than 30 languages.
- Easy to implement;
- Compliant with the GDPR, e-Privacy directive, the CCPA, the LGPD;
- Fully customizable;
- Automated cookies analyzer;
- More than 30 languages available.